And to a positive person, that becomes tiring quickly. For these people, something is always wrong.

Negative people can really bring you down, and rarely, if ever, will you be able to bring them up. Being negative was so ingrained into his personality, that’s all Mike seemed to understand. Susan had learned that making upbeat comments had no effect, so she stopped trying to get Mike to see things from a more positive perspective.

And once he started his complaining, there was no turning off the switch. Still, Mike managed to corral Susan whenever she didn’t see him coming. Whenever he walked toward her work station, she picked up the phone and pretended she was making a call. Whenever she saw him in the hall, she pretended to answer her cell phone. Mike was a negative Nelly and Susan, a positive person, couldn’t stand listening to him complain about anything and everything. Read the rest of the blog post or shop the book in our store. "Tell him or her how the negativity affects you." "If you can't learn to ignore the negativity, then speak to the person," Evenson writes. In today’s featured excerpt from Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People, author Renee Evenson shares 12 different ways of successfully confronting a negative coworker. Imagine if you could draw your line in the sand at their complaining and griping without feeling like a total jerk. What if there were other options for dealing with negative coworkers? You may have also been surprised by how much effort it actually takes to ignore and avoid someone. You may have tried ignoring and avoiding the negative people at your office. Negative coworkers can make your work life annoying at best and unbearable at worst. But there is a special group of coworkers who make that 9-5 life more of a grind than it really should be. You can't expect every person you work with to be a ray of sunshine every day of the work week.